The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)

Self-direction—Owning your own learning (WATEC #004)

Wes Carroll & Ted Dorsey Season 1 Episode 4

We get to witness our students transition from children to young adults. Along the way, they develop self-direction—the means and desire to shape their own learning. We talk about what students need in order to successfully attain this critical quality.​  |

00:10​ Warming up and topic introduction: Self-direction
03:26​ Different priorities: what matters to us
05:12​ Everything that we do is a reflection of our personhood
08:24​ Process your inputs
11:08​ Be authentic
12:00​ Learning as an obligation vs. a chance at self-discovery
15:25​ Control moves from parents to kids
18:44​ Within self-direction, there's a huge spectrum
19:17​ The degree to which you can manage your own locus of control is a function of which culture and society you're embedded in
24:44​ Whatever goal you think you have may be difficult in the time scale you're used to be thinking of
29:25​ What's the goal and what are you trying to do
34:31​ Motivation and direction
47:34​ Focus on winning
48:57​ What motivates anyone to win
50:14​ Looking out for the best, and using information from other people in order to get there
54:10​ There's a certain joy in setting a goal for yourself and then achieving it
55:16​ Self-awareness is a vital part
58:54​ As professionals, we have to gauge the goals of the students and parents
1:02:42​ Inevitably, every person is going to be an outlier in some ways. It's helpful to meet someone and help.
1:03:30​ Be aware of your own goals, then be aware of your own abilities
1:07:56​ Just asking yourself: where you are headed?
1:10:34​ What's a small thing that I can do now?