The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)
Pro tutors Wes Carroll and Amie Dorsey share insider views on American high-school education... and more. We gab, we gripe, and sometimes we even get to work solving the real problems affecting all of us and our kids. // See the conversation on YouTube:
The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)
Process—What do you tell yourself to get stuff done? (WATEC #005)
How come there's such a gap between what we want to do and what we actually do? And how can we close that gap? Wes & Ted get real. |
00:09 "Have a less unpleasant day!"
01:04 Process - What do you tell yourself to get stuff done?
06:48 Can I program myself (like a computer)?
08:30 You can't make a perfect thing
11:59 Change your mind all day long
13:00 Study your own brain really carefully
14:34 Are our brains monolithic agents?
17:27 What works for me is not always going to be the same as what works for you
18:54 Estimate proactively
21:05 Vague unexamined anxieties
23:10 Process tool: Competition
25:37 Problem-solving technique: Rubber ducking
29:18 Clear the obstacles by thinking through the "why"
34:22 "Thank you, brain, but I've got this."
38:22 Identify the overlap between productivity and enjoyment
40:35 You have to be honest about what your goals and aims are
44:44 Focus on how you manipulate yourself
47:40 Aim for the middle ground
51:24 Process tool: Set the bar improbably low
52:46 Process tool: The Gym Door Rule
55:34 Do actions come from decisions, or from habits?
1:05:40 Service orientation: don't underweight what needs to get done