The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)
Pro tutors Wes Carroll and Amie Dorsey share insider views on American high-school education... and more. We gab, we gripe, and sometimes we even get to work solving the real problems affecting all of us and our kids. // See the conversation on YouTube:
The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)
Subject Tests—The SAT Subject Tests are no more (WATEC #006)
While Wes mourns the loss of the problem-solving of the Math Level 2 Subject Test, Ted kicks dirt on the grave of the tests he considers completely pointless. |
00:12 News on this day, January 20, 2021
05:00 Who are Wes and Ted?
13:15 Puzzle hunts
15:15 Getting past brick walls
20:37 Why solve puzzles?
22:15 QAnon as a puzzle hunt
24:12 Humans are natural problem solvers
25:20 SAT Subject Tests are cancelled
26:43 Wes & Ted argue over whether the test was good
28:20 If I'm going to be tested on a thing, it's only fair that I'd be taught the thing
29:22 Why you learn math in high school
30:40 What you learn in one field applies to other fields
35:45 What do the symbols of math really mean?
41:02 What's the "right amount" of abstract thinking?
42:50 Out of what you've learned, what parts do you want to keep?
47:53 What is the ACT really testing?
49:09 What is the SAT really testing?
49:55 Marketing the SAT
53:48 Get good at the game. (*Any* game.)
55:15 But also, get good at making new games!
57:36 The AMC is going to get more important
58:06 How we agree: critical and creative thinking