The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)
Pro tutors Wes Carroll and Amie Dorsey share insider views on American high-school education... and more. We gab, we gripe, and sometimes we even get to work solving the real problems affecting all of us and our kids. // See the conversation on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXO0u6vZhrFyu9h0Z11h31Q
The Excellent Conversation (with Wes & Amie)
Excellence, pt. 1—What is excellence? And why am I chasing it? (WATEC #007)
Wes and Ted discuss their old frenemy "excellence," and come to some surprising conclusions. Among them: Ted is not sure he endorses the pursuit of it.
Why do we pursue it? What are we really after?
Wes and Ted offer practical steps for achieving excellence (in case they haven't talked you out of pursuing it).
https://tutorted.com | https://wescarroll.com
01:20 Intro
06:50 Topic of the day: Excellence (or burritos?)
10:20 Excellence was part of the set of expectations in general
11:10 Is there a standard for assessing, vetting or judging excellence?
13:47 Framing excellence as being better than someone else
18:41 By focusing on excellence you lose sight of other greater goals
23:42 Regret - feeling a lost opportunity
28:16 Many of success-oriented influencers agree that the most important thing is to be kind
30:10 Kindness is good for your self-actualization. Self-actualization is good for your life span.
34:43 Scientists have an obligation of being morally aware
35:54 Motivation behind pursuing excellence is the rationalization of the energy spent
39:47 Is excellence an end zone?
44:15 Becoming cogs in an extremely powerful and successful innovation and value generation machine
46:14 You are not limited to only pursuing excellence
46:44 Excellent is not the word you use for someone who does something brand new
50:21 If you want to achieve some goal, you have to spend a third of your time and energy
51:53 We forget the part of the work of experts is to help us define the path
59:44 We all ought to strive to be the best we can be
1:00:08 We're getting into the long tail versus winner takes all phenomenon
1:02:53 Pursuing every goal with personal passion
1:06:47 Big part of excelling is knowing what step you're